Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Team Meeting Times for Milestone #3

1:30pm - 2:00pm > Janet, Dom
2:10pm - 2:40pm > Carlye, Natasha, Yilin
2:50pm - 3:20pm > Leah, Kathryn

*in our normal classroom

Bring your draft document, digital presentation and speaking notes / plan for presentation.

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Going Google Case Study Assignment

This case study assignment is a little different. It will NOT follow the typical case study format for analysis. After spending 7 hours immersed in a B2B sales environment at the Google Engage conference you must complete a reflection paper based on the experience.

Your reflection paper must cover:
  • A brand analysis of Google (what you saw and what wasn't obvious or in contradiction at the conference to what is the norm for Google)
  • A CRM analysis including a discussion of their partners pipeline
  • A channel analysis of what is seen at the conference
Your reflection can be a combination of visual and written content but is to be no more than 4 pages or 10 slides.

This assignment should be uploaded to slideshare.net and the link emailed to lfair@sl.on.ca. Document or Powerpoint format are both acceptable.

Due: June 4 @ 1:30pm
Marks: 8% reflection paper, 2% professionalism and engaged learning behavior displayed at the conference